Infographic: The Impact of Packaging from MS Packaging UK

Infographic: The Impact of Packaging from MS Packaging UK

Below, we share an infographic from MS Packaging UK on the Impact of Packaging. Visual branding and design is critical to attracting the attention of consumers today. See a few of the key insights from the infographic!

 Infographic: MS Packaging UK Infographic: MS Packaging UK

Our Thoughts

It’s safe to say that this infographic demonstrates the impact of packaging on consumers. Packaging is so important for attracting customers to your products, old and new. Our eye tracking research can help you understand those small details about your package design before it even hits the shelf.  Our technology and methodology are not silver bullets for understanding the entire buying process, but we can give you a unique understanding of how much consumers are visually attracted to your packaging. Contact us below to learn more about running a study with Package InSight.

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